Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 5, 2014

Kongcopter 620 - maiden flight

I do maiden today with my Kong copter 620.


Kongcopter reform to 620 size.
Motor Sunnysky V2508 - 380KV - prop 15x5"
ESC Hobbyking F-30A with simonk frmware reload. The esc not really OK, it still got sync proplem but not too bad.  My friends said he used Wii-ESC for this F-30A and no sync problem at all.
Tarot Gimbal and goro 3+.
Flight control APM with telemetry and power management board

Test 1:  With 4S 3500mAh . AUW = 2060 grams
First flight :  hover 8 minutes, current is 17A to 19A , battery down to 3.8 volt , recharged 1847mAh.
Second flight: Sport flight 8 minutes, current 17A to 19A battery down to 3.84A, recharged 1500mAh. It seem sport flight consume less power than Hover.

So with my 4S 3500mAh it can fly about 12 minutes saferty.

Test 1: 2x 4S 3500mAh , AUW 2418 grams
First flight: Sport flight 12 minutes, curretn 23-25A, battery down to 3.8 volt, recharged 1850mAh/each battery.
Second flight : Sport flight 15 minutes, curretn 23-25A, battery downo 3.75volt, recharged 2000mAh/each battery

With 2 batterry upt o 80% discharge I expect to fly about 20 minutes.

I will reflash esc with wii-ESC firmware and hope it get out of sync problem.

Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 5, 2014

Reform my Kong 450 to 620 with low RPM, big props setup for long flight time - CONTINUTE

Got some free time to day, I start electronic assembly.
The Esc used are Hobbyking F-30A all B-FET. I re-flash with BS-Nfet.hex Simonk firmware.
Start to assembly on kit. flight control is APM 2.5.2 with power management board
All electronic assembled including telemetry rc-timer 433MHz
Almost finish , the total weight not including battery and gopro gimbal is 1434 grams. 

The tarot gimbal+gopro+immersion 600mw +antena cost me 300grams more. The battery will be 3500mAh 4S weight about 450 gram.
So AUW will be about 2.25kg for 1 pask of 4S 3500mAh or 2.7kg for 2packs of 4S 3500mAh.
It is OK for this size 620 M2M with 15x5" props.

Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 5, 2014

Reform my Kong 450 to 620 with low RPM, big props setup for long flight time

I like to spider quad. I also have a Sky-hero 750 and Kongcopter 450 from X-CAM.
However they do not support disk type motors which I like for low rpm setup.
As you know I also built a ironman 650 quad with lower rpm and big prop setup which can fly 25 minutes on 3S 5500 mAh.

I start new project to reform my Kong 450 to low rpm , big prop setup.

I bought a set of carbon arm tube for Kong 550 size and 4 of 25mm alu motor base from himodel.

Replace the 450 alu tube and motor base with this I for the quad with M2M is 620mm. So I have a Kongcopter 620 which and used large disk type motor.

My setup for this:

My reform Kong Copter 620.
Motor Sunnysky V3508-380KV with 15x5 props and 4S battery.
Tube version 20A Simonk firmware ESC as my iron man long flight time quad
Kit , motor are ready, need tiem for esc wiring and setup APM.

Hope I can finish it by next weekend ...

Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 5, 2014

Longflight time quad built

Some pics of maiden. It do 25 minutes flight with 3S 5500mAh battery and the voltage after flight is 11.01 volts.