This is the second hand control board with some faulty ESCs. I have to buy the CPU with special boot loader from Mikrokopter since this 2.0 ESC is not open bootloader. Wow it cost too much for buying 2 chip atmega 168 from Mk US and shipped back to Viet Nam.
However, I finish to fix the esc and re-assembly the system. It's planed to put on my Octokopter or X8 Octo. Some pic of rebuilt electronic.
The ESC board with 8 ESCs and upgrade some more capacitors for hight power motor ( RCTimer 3536 - 700Kv with 12x6 props on 4S or MT-3515 T-motor with 15x5props on 5S)
I'm often used 2 parallel batteries for multicopter since it is easier to arrange the batteries and CG. Also the power cable is smaller and softener. Here it is:
The Mk tower including: Mk Flight controler ME 2.1, Navicontrol board ver. 1.1 and Mk GPSAll are ready for pluging on kit. Just waiting for carbon plate and kit CNC which will be next few days.
All board including ESC have upgraded to lastest firmware via MK-Tool.
Next will be the kit CNC and assembly. I still consider to put it on large Octocopter or a smaller X8 copter.
More coming ....
This project is temporary Block duel to so busy with otehr commercial project. Hope to get back to this with X8 copter in next 2 weekds.
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